For Providers
CareFirst Community Health Plan Maryland (CareFirst CHPMD) works with our network of over 7,000 physicians and health care providers to deliver the best quality care to our members. We believe that the doctor-patient relationship is critical to good patient care. We believe that all health care is delivered locally and supporting our provider network is critical to our success.
CareFirst CHPMD is a Medicaid Managed Care Organization serving members in the Maryland HealthChoice program.
The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) provides Medical Assistance, also called Medicaid coverage to individuals determined to be categorically eligible or medically needy. Medicaid coverage is automatically given to individuals receiving certain other public assistance, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), or Foster Care.
Our service area includes the following counties and city: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Kent, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester.
CareFirst CHPMD Quarterly Meeting
The Q4 CareFirst CHPMD and Advantage DualPrime webinars will feature a step-by-step demonstration of
the CareFirst Electronic Authorization Entry Tool. Select one of the dates below to register.
December 17 at 1:00pm – Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: CareFirst CHPMD and DSNP Webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.
December 18 at 10:00am – Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: CareFirst CHPMD and DSNP Webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.
For All Providers